Warner Street Upgrades and Activation – CVP for Horseshoe Casino is leading the design, re-imagining and construction of an entire new streetscape for Warner Street in coordination with The City of Baltimore, South Baltimore Gateway Partnership, and Rails-to-Trails Conservancy. plans to transform Bally’s Las Vegas into a Horseshoe casino through a multimillion-dollar renovation project starting this spring.1301 Warner Street – CVP for Horseshoe Casino has proposed a dining/entertainment use in a renovation of this former warehouse facility. The Horseshoe Las Vegas Hotel & Casino and its corporate owner, Caesars Entertainment Corp., hosted ceremonies Friday.who opened the massively popular Horseshoe Casino in 1951. 1400 Warner Street – CVP for Horseshoe Casino has proposed a mixed-use hotel and retail project on this site to be developed. Las Vegas Casinos History - Learn about how the Sin City evolved, the casino boom, and its mobster beginnings.